Violence is not the Way.

I don’t talk about things a lot. By things, I mean the general sense of things in our life. That’s one of the many reasons this journal has seen less use than was originally intended. With the current political climate in our world, I feel there’s...

Trials and Tribblations.

Today is one of the worst days I’ve had since Conner was born. My son is is back in the Hospital, for the second time since Thanksgiving. Only this time I’m unable to be there with him. I’ve got a virus of my own and it would be terribly...

Easter Weekend

“…and the fish was thiiiiis big.” We all have those times when we think about our life and the choices that brought us to where we are. Admittedly, I have probably been giving those choices a lot more thought of late, than I ever did previously, all...

Every Superhero has an Origin Story.

I’d like to take you on a journey. It started on May 20th, 2017. On that day I married the angel of my life and together we took the first step in building our family. We spent the next year planning, thinking and dreaming of all the things our little family...